Monday, January 16, 2006

Promotion Concepts and Jim Barren

Today our guest speaker, Jim Barren, formerly worked with Event Coordinators to market sports programs such as the 1982 Superbowl in Pontiac, Michigan. He informed us of the 8 steps to promoting a sports venue.
  1. Find why the venue was built. (Mission / Goals / Themes)
  2. Find out the basic features. (Features)
  3. Find the positives about the venue. (PRO's)
  4. Define the potential consumers. (Target Market)
  5. Find the negative aspects of the venue. (CON's)
  6. Analyze the competition. (Competitive Analysis)
  7. Develop a marketing plan. (Plan)
  8. Solve who will use the venue.
  • It's important that the operations department upholds the quality that the marketing and sales department have promoted in order to be succesful.
  • Marketing Campaigns and Budgets are also equally important.
  • Give incentives back to dissatisfied clients.
  • Private Managment aka Outsourcing.
  • Involve those who have a "vested" intrest. (Investors and Owners)
Chapter 10: Promotion Concepts

Promotion occurs in all forms of communication. Sports are a general topic and are frequently marketed by word of mouth in the general population. Large scale TV ads also promote sports. Everyone likes them becase they are unpredictable and always new.

Promotions Mix
Advertising, Personal Skills, Sponsorships, Sales Promotions, Public Relations.

Communication to Consumers Diagram

v--------------FEEDBACK / BEHAVOIR --------------v
Source -> Encoding -> Message -> Medium -> Decoding -> Reciever

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