Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Day One: Introduction, Orientation and Organization

I signed up for ESM 202: Sport and Entertainment Marketing as an elective towards my Business Management Major. I was under the influence it would be an easy class for me to get a good grade in, ecspecially because I had previous experience in sports and entertainment marketing. It's never a good thing to hear "You most likely will drop this class, its a lot of work" as the first thing from the proffesor's mouth as your walking in 2 minutes late. But that doesn't scare me off, the class may actually benefit me more than I originially anticipated.

We started with a introduction from the teacher, Professor Harmon, and a run through of the syllabus. Then we moved from student to student reviewing the Logical Perpectives (Purpose, Question, Information, Conclusion, Concepts, Assumptions, Points of View, Implications and Application) and the Standards of Thought (Clarity, Accuracy, Precision, Relevance, Depth, Breath, Logic, Significance and Fairness).

After the intoduction to Pf. Harmon and the ESM 202, I am eager to get working on some material. This class is going to definitly be more relevant and signifigant than I originally expected. The workload may be a little more demanding then I was hoping for, but it will definitly help nail down the concepts. I am looking forward to learning more about sports and entertainment marketing, and will keep an open mind to new ideas and concepts.

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